Thursday, July 16, 2020

Stress and Psoriasis

soriasis is chronic skin disease that has high impact to patient's quality of life. In the last decade, many scientists doing some research to prove the relation between psoriasis and mental health problem. The result is very unique. Psoriasis has stronger association with mental health than other skin disease. Psoriasis can be maintained and exaxerbated by an underlying stress condition within a vicious cycle. You can look to the scheme below for understand more about the cycle.  

Stress condition will activate our nerve system to release stress hormon that induce inflammatory factor. This factor will affect epidermal barrier which is important mechanism of psoriasis. But if you look more to the scheme, we can also conclude that psoriasis may lead or worsen stress condition too. Chronic itch, disfigurement, and stigmatization lead to stress. 

Mind and our body has really strong connection. It's really important to keep our body and mind healthy. 

Reference :

Connor, C. J., Liu, V., and Fiedorowicz, J. G., 2015, 'Exploring the Physiological Link between
Psoriasis and Mood Disorders', Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Dermatology Research and Practice, vol. 2015, no. -, pp. -.

Ferreira, B et al., 2016, 'Psoriasis and Associated Psychiatric Disorders A Systematic Review on Etiopathogenesis and Clinical Correlation', J Clin Aesthet Dermatol, vol.9, no.6, pp. 36–43.

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