Sunday, July 12, 2015

The New Medication for Management Your Weight

Why it is so important ?

The loss of 5 to 10% of body weight can have many beneficial effects on your cardiovascular system and metabolism. In my opinion, if you have normal weight, you'll look more beautiful / handsome. So you get more confident. Look at the picture below !


LIRAGLUTIDE ( a glucagonlike peptide-1 analogue )
Once-daily dose of 3.0 mg of liraglutide subcutaneously, as an adjunct to reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity, was associated with increased weight loss in overweight and obese adults who did not have diabetes (Pi-Sunyer, et al., 2015)

LOCASERIN (selective serotonin 2C receptor agonist )
Locarserin 10 mg twice daily with  nutritional and physical exercise program was associated with increased weight loss in overweight and obese adults. Moreover, Lorcaserin was also associated with improved values for biomarkers that may be predictors of future cardiovascular events, including lipid levels, insulin resistance, levels of inflammatory markers, and blood pressure (Smith, et al., 2010).


The key of weight loss program is diet and exercise program. You can read that Locaserin and Liraglutide can work alonely. In my opinion, if you want to lose your weight, you won’t need any medication, but you need strong motivaton from your heart J So be natural my friend.
Note : please don’t use it without consulting with your doctor !


Pi-Sunyer, X., Astrup, A., Fujioka, K. & Greenway, F., 2015. A Randomized, Controlled Trial of 3.0 mg of Liraglutide. N Engl J Med, 373(1), pp. 11-22.
Smith, S. R. et al., 2010. Multicenter, Placebo-Controlled Trial. N Engl J Med, 363(3), pp. 245-255.

You can read the journal at

Saturday, July 11, 2015

What is Difference Between HIV and AIDS ?

HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus ) is a name of a virus. Human immune system can kill the most viruses, but they can't overcome HIV. Why ? Because HIV infects human immune system ( CD4 cell ). CD4 cell is a type of lymphocyte and lymphocyte is a type of leukocyte / white blood cell. So what happen if CD4 cell its attacked by HIV ? Your immunity will be very weak so immune system can't combat the infection. So, the opportunistic pathogens emerge. The opportunistic pathogens are organism/virus that normally can't make any disease in human body, but in someone with " deficiency of immunity " it can be a very dangerous organism.

AIDS ( Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ) is a final stage of HIV infection. Why ? Because syndrome is collection of wide range of symptoms and complications. For example, extrapulmonary tuberculosis, chronic diarrhea, oral hairy leukoplakia, esophageal candidiasis, and many more.

HIV is very horrible virus. If you are infected by this virus, it means you will always be with you forever. Until today, there is no definitive treatment for HIV infection. So, the best treatment for HIV is prevention and only that.

What can we do?

  1. Don't do drugs
  2. Be faithful to your partner ( safe sex )
  3. Be careful if you need blood from other people ( check the blood )
  4. Don't breastfeed your baby if you are HIV positive ( except some conditions )

Reference :
Buku Panduan Praktik Klinis bagi Dokter di Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Primer
Robbins Cotran Basic Pathology of disease 8th edition

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Stretch Marks ( Striae or Streaks )

Stretch mark or striae are often pink, red or purple indented streaks that often appear on the abdomen, breasts, upper arms, buttocks and thighs and eventually fade to white. However, if striae become shiny white streak ( SWS ), you don't just ignore this streak. SWS maybe a sign of malignancy especially melanoma. So go to your doctor !

Causes of the streaks 
  1. Infection / scratch injury ( red streaks )
  2. Pregnancy ( bluish or darkening vertical line on the central abdomen ) -> stria gravidarum : stria is line and gravidarum is pregnancy
  3. Scabies ( short fine grey lines )
  4. Excess of adrenocortical ( purple-pink lines ) -> a classic sign
  5. Weight gain / weight loss rapidly -> cacexia in cancer ( sudden weigh loss )
Shitara. D et al. 2014,'Shiny white streaks: a sign of malignancy at dermoscopy of pigmented skin lesions', Acta Derm Venereol., Vol. 94, No. 2, pp.7-132