Sunday, July 19, 2020

Beauty Corner : Best Food for Healthy Skin

Having healthy skin is very important to everyone especially for women. Who does'nt want glowing, youthful, and clear skin?  Because healthy skin very important, many people spending their money to buy skincare products, right ? But, people often forget that nutrition to have beautiful skin not only comes from the outside, but also from the inside. Older cells are constantly shed and replaced by younger ones and a steady supply of key nutrients is essential to support this rapid growth. Remember the term "you are what you eat"? Actually, your skin naturally reflects your body's internal needs, including what nutrients it requires. If your diet is lacking key vitamins, it is likely that your skin will start to show this. It may look discoloured, dry and spots can start to appear.

Food that good for skin

Zinc is very important for maintaining healthy skin, especially for acne sufferers. The skin contains about 20% of the body’s zinc, if the skin is lacking in this, acne is often a symptom. Foods rich in zinc:

  • fish/seafood
  • eggs
  • whole grains.

If you’re suffering inflamed or dry skin, upping your intake of essential fatty acids may help. EFAs contribute to the moisture of our skin and also help to repair it. The body can't produce these, so they are an essential part of your diet. Foods rich in EFAs:

  • salmon
  • nuts and seeds
  • vegetable oils.

Selenium is a mineral that helps the skin maintain its elasticity and firmness. The mineral has also been found to help reduce sun damage. Foods rich in selenium:

  • whole grains
  • meat
  • garlic.

Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that converts into vitamin A in the body, helping to grow and repair body tissues. It is thought that beta-carotene can help prevent premature ageing as it helps to reduce environmental damage. Foods rich in beta-carotene:

  • carrots
  • sweet potato
  • apricots.
On the other side, some foods seem to be associated with skin damage. For example, some research suggests that a diet high in processed or refined sugars or other carbohydrates and unhealthy fats promotes skin aging.

Remember, best food for skin is also promote our health overall. So, rather than focusing on specific foods for healthy skin, concentrate on a healthy diet in general. Weight loss alone is not the goal. Weight loss alone may not improve acne or reduce the risk of CVD or cancer. The goal, rather, should be healthy eating patterns.

Reference :
 Katta, R, Desai, S.P., 2014, Diet and Dermatology: The Role of Dietary Intervention in Skin Disease, J Clin Aesthetic Dermatology, vol. 7, no.7, pp 46-51

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